MAXX AIR LOVESs TEACHERS! In 2020, we sent fans out to teachers across the nation, both in-person and even some teaching virtually. We received a much larger response than we ever thought and were so thankful to have been able to help in this way!

Due to the overwhelming need we saw in 2020, we decided to bring back our giveaway this year just in time for the back-to-school rush, putting a whopping 226 fans in the hands of teachers who need them most! 

If you missed it, don't worry! You can see the fan models we gave out this year below, what teachers had to say about the giveaway items, and how to get one yourself! If you purchase through our partner, don't forget to use coupon code MAXXAIRFAM at checkout for 10% off! ALSO...

DID YOU KNOW? Air purifiers are covered under the ESSER grant program to assist with pandemic health and safety.

What does that mean for you? If you're in education, a safer and more comfortable school environment! We can help you fill out the paperwork and, better yet, ship our air purifiers immediately! We will also work directly with your district to get your co-workers the products they need too. Reach out today!

To learn more about the fans featured in this giveaway, click the image or product name below: 

 See the table below to learn more about the Maxx Air fans featured in this giveaway!
Maxx Air 24 In. 2-Speed Tilting Direct Drive Drum Fan

16 In. 3-Speed Tilting High Velocity Floor Fan with Steel Shroud 

24 In. 2-Speed Tilting Direct Drive Drum Fan


K. Panter writes: Thank you! This is amazing! I am so excited. I have a huge class with 35 kids and no a/c. This will help so much!

 D. Olson writes: Just got the 16” fan and it’s PERFECT for a classroom! I’m surprised by how quiet it is, but way more air flow than a cheap box fan… Thank you again for your generosity!

As always, keep up with us on social to see what we've got in store for the rest of 2022!