COVID-19 Solutions & Air Disinfection


Maxx Air Poster | CDC recommended guidelines for adding ventilation to help prevent the spread of COVID-19

Want to spread the news on the value of ventilation?

We believe our products have the ability to transform and improve lives. Especially now, we feel empowered to make a change. We went from "more than air" to "more than SAFE air". It's our priority to ensure our clients' and employees' safety, provide peace of mind, and guarantee they are getting the best product they can while following the CDC recommendations to stop the spread of the virus.

Along with other preventive actions like: 

  • wearing a mask
  • staying 6 ft. apart
  • avoiding crowds

Our fans and air cleaners can help move virus particles in the air from inside spaces to outside.


The CDC encourages bringing as much fresh air into enclosed spaces as possible, as well as improving your indoor air ventilation with the help of the following products:

  • Place a fan as close as possible to an open window blowing outside. 
  • Use a portable high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) cleaner to filter air
  • Use an exhaust fan to move virus particles in the air outside
  • Use ceiling fans to help improve airflow
  • At home, use bathroom exhaust fans to help move air outside


Things to keep in mind:

  • Point fans away from people. Pointing fans toward people can possibly cause contaminated air to flow directly at them.
  • Use ceiling fans to help improve air flow in the home whether or not windows are open
  • Don’t leave fans unattended with young children.
  • Another option is to place a fan as close as possible to an open window or door, blowing outside.




USA Today: Ventilation and air filtration play a key role in preventing the spread of COVID-19 indoors


 CDC - Improving Ventilation in Your Home

USA Today - Ventilation and air filtration play a key role in preventing the spread of COVID-19 indoors

We're constantly improving to meet your needs in these changing times. Don't forget to follow us on our social media channels to stay up to date with the latest info and product updates!

Product Categories

  • Air circulatorsAir Circulators
  • Air purifiersAir Purifiers
  • Bath fansBath Fans
  • Ceiling fanCeiling Fans
  • Drum fansDrum Fans
  • Exhaust fansExhaust Fans
  • House ventilationHouse Ventilation
  • PedestalPedestal Fans