A Message from Our President

Black and white aerial view of the Ventamatic facility in the 1970's. Ventamatic is the manufacturer behind the Maxx Air brand name.

An aerial view of warehouses for Maxx Air brand manufacturer, Ventamatic in Mineral Wells, Texas ca. the 1970's.

Terry Siegel has been a staple of Ventamatic life since he began working here in 1975. Now CEO, Terry has more than a few tales to tell about the company over the years, and is well-versed in it's rich history. Read below to see how Terry has seen the company evolve, and how he's played a key role in the business' development. 

A Business Through the Generations

Front cover of a Butler Ventamatic Corporation booklet

Front cover of a Butler Ventamatic Corporation booklet

This business has been in my family for a couple generations and I’m very proud to be part of it. In 1948, Henry Butler founded Butler Engineering Company to be a manufacturer of kitchen range hoods. In 1956 my father, Martin Siegel, acquired this company as an add-on to his kitchen cabinet manufacturing organization. During this time they developed a number of products to save energy, increase the life of roof shingles, and provide a higher level of comfort within a home.

In 1975 after graduating college I began working full-time at Butler Engineering Company. Later that year we changed the name to Butler Ventamatic Corporation. Over the course of the next 13 years we added so many products and we poured our hearts into every single piece of equipment we’d develop. Our clients were always our top priority, and that has led us to where we are today. 

Terry's Philosophies

In 1988, I bought a controlling interest in Butler Ventamatic. I had two philosophies that I wanted to instill in the culture of the company.

The first is “work hard, play hard, and make money.” This statement has been key during my career. For me, it was very important to enjoy the job first. If you do the work, you perform and get the maximum amount of accomplishment from there. When you play hard you enjoy the people you work with, the suppliers and customers that you interact with, as well as every small detail of your work schedule. Lastly, making money is the reward of working hard and having fun, because without it neither of these two are enjoyable and you wouldn’t be a great corporate citizen nor contribute to the well-being of your community. This has been a very motivating statement that has helped me during my professional career and I always wanted to pass that along to my team.

The other philosophy has to do with an equilateral triangular pyramid (tetrahedron). Each point of that pyramid represents a value within the company. Each triangle must always stay balanced with each other so that it remains equilateral. The four components of this pyramid are quality, productivity, safety and integrity. This theory tells you that you cannot adjust one component without affecting the other components, therefore you must always be thinking in terms of the greater good or the whole of the organization. It is a simple, very understandable diagram that can be easily communicated and has been so helpful during my career and the history of this company.

Terry Siegel, President of Ventamatic
President of Ventamatic, Terry Siegel

We are more than fans, we are more than air.

Maxx Air bath fans ready for shipment as they travel down the line in the factory.

Ventamatic is the perfect example of flexibility, improvement and hard work. For more than 70 years we have been next to our customers understanding their needs and developing our technology to always provide the best service and product in the market. 

We have walked with you for so many years and we will continue to do that. After months of hard work and dedication, we are so happy to announce the launch our new Maxx Air brand. All Maxx Air products are manufactured by Ventamatic, with the same level of professionalism and attention to detail that has characterized us. You will now find all of our products with new packaging, better resources, additional information, videos, and instructions.

These are products made for you, by you.

You have been part of this story for so many years and have told us what you need, congratulations!

Maxx Air products will continue to be the best they can be! We look forward to providing the best service and value to you, our customer.

Best Regards,

Terry Siegel, signature